All products in the store are drop-shipped, meaning your order ships directly from the printer to your door.
Haku Baldwin Center does not have any inventory for sale in person. All items must be ordered online. This helps us keep our costs low as a non-profit and saves time and space storing and selling inventory—we get to focus on fulfilling our mission instead of merchandise orders!
Orders cannot be canceled.
Refunds are not permitted unless the product is defective or produced incorrectly. If you have any issues with your order, use the Contact page to let us know. Order inquiries will then be forwarded to the printer(s) for review.
Your order may take several weeks.
Orders are fulfilled by Printful’s range of independent manufacturers. Each manufacturer may have specific processing times for each product. If you are ordering multiple items, your products may be shipped separately and may incur additional shipping charges. Your patience is appreciated.
You will receive tracking information via email from Printify and/or the manufacturer directly. Haku Baldwin Center has no control over delivery times, nor do we have any information other than the information within that tracking email. Use the contact information on the email if you have any questions about your order.
After you add items to your cart, look for the blue shopping cart icon on the bottom right corner of your screen. It can be tricky to spot! (see sample image below)
Lastly, thank you for ordering merchandise from Haku Baldwin Center. Proceeds directly support our mission to provide joy and healing through horses for participants of all ages and abilities.
Mahalo nui loa.