Join us in making a difference today.

  • Donate.

    Haku Baldwin Center’s programs are funded in part by private donations from people like you. Your tax-deductible donation helps change lives. Click to make your contribution today. Mahalo nui for your support!

    HBC is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.
    FEIN: 99-0292754

  • Sponsor a Horse.

    The Horse Sponsorship Program supports the yearly cost of caring for our horses and helps underwrite feed, supplements, veterinary care, dental and farrier care, tack and supplies, and other health care items. We offer five sponsorship recognition levels with something for every budget. Sponsorships are welcomed from private individuals and businesses alike.

  • Start a Fundraiser.

    If you use Facebook, you can start a social fundraising campaign for Haku Baldwin Center! Go to our Facebook page and click “➕ Create Fundraiser”. It only takes a few seconds and the impact is huge for our mission. These fundraisers are easy to share and even easier for donors.

  • Amazon Wish List.

    Our Amazon Wish List is open year-round and often includes items under $20. There’s something for every budget.
    From fly spray to make the horses more comfortable to adaptive tack for riders who need more support, YOU can help today by shopping for a good cause.
    This Wish List is updated regularly.

  • Tack & Equipment.

    We accept donations of gently used tack and equipment in safe, usable condition. (NOTE: used helmets will not be accepted for safety reasons.) Tack and equipment that may not fill a need for programming will enter our annual Tack Sale fundraiser to raise additional support funds.
    Just let us know when you would like to schedule a drop-off or reach out if you have questions.

  • Donate a Horse.

    Haku Baldwin Center accepts donated horses on a very limited basis. To ensure that our youth and adult riders are successful in achieving their goals, our program horses must meet certain criteria. Requirements include (but are not limited to): soundness, ability to walk/trot/canter, excellent ground manners, strength and endurance, ideally aged between 10-18. If you think your horse would be a good match, you are welcome to drop us a note.

Have questions?